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IMTRC: Arthritis and Massage Therapy

Are you or a loved one suffering from arthritis? If so, you know how painful and debilitating this condition can be. While there is no cure for arthritis, there are treatments that help manage symptoms and improve quality of life. One such treatment is massage therapy. Yes, that's right - massage therapy! Not only can it provide relief from stiffness and pain associated with arthritis, but it can also increase the range of motion in affected joints. In this article, we will explore the research behind the benefits of massage therapy for arthritis and how it works to alleviate symptoms. Let us discuss the connection between arthritis and massage therapy as researched for IMTRC (International Massage Therapy Research Conference)

Arthritis Response to massage therapy

Arthritis is a chronic condition affecting millions worldwide, causing pain, stiffness, and decreased joint mobility. It affects up to 15% of the Irish population. While there is no cure for arthritis, massage therapy is an effective treatment for managing symptoms.

Massage therapy works by helping to release tension in the muscles surrounding arthritic joints. This therapy can help to reduce pain and stiffness, as well as increase the range of motion. Massage therapy can promote healing and reduce inflammation as it increases the blood circulation to the affected areas.

The benefits of massage therapy on arthritis have been studied extensively in recent years. Research has shown that regular massage therapy sessions can improve physical symptoms such as pain and stiffness and provide psychological relief from depression and anxiety associated with this disease.

It's important to note that while massage therapy can benefit those with arthritis, it should always be performed by a licensed professional who understands how to work with these conditions safely and effectively. So if you or someone you know suffers from arthritis, consider incorporating massage therapy into their treatment plan – it just might make all the difference!

How massage helps a range of motion

Massage therapy is known for its ability to help increase the range of motion in people who have arthritis. A joint affected by arthritis can become stiff, limiting the movement and flexibility of the area around it. However, massage therapists have found ways to combat this issue.

By using various techniques, such as kneading and pressing on tight muscles surrounding the joint, a massage therapist can help loosen up these areas and improve blood flow. This increased circulation helps deliver nutrients and oxygen to damaged tissues while removing waste products more efficiently.

In addition, regular massage sessions can help ease muscle spasms that often accompany arthritic pain. By relaxing these muscles through massage therapy, patients experience less stiffness in their joints, ultimately improving their range of motion.

Furthermore, research has shown that not only does massage therapy improve physical symptoms associated with arthritis, but it also provides emotional benefits. Patients report feeling less anxious or depressed about their condition after receiving massages regularly.

There are many reasons why incorporating massage therapy into a treatment plan for arthritis is beneficial; improving the range of motion is one key factor, among others, like reducing pain levels and increasing relaxation.

research on massage therapy on arthritis

Research on the benefits of massage therapy for arthritis has yielded promising results. A study published in 2013 in the (IJTMB) International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork found that getting regular massage therapy improved the range of motion, decreased pain levels, and improved grip strength in participants with osteoarthritis.

Another study published in 2015 in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice found that Swedish massage therapy helped reduce pain intensity and stiffness levels among individuals with rheumatoid arthritis. Participants also reported an improvement in sleep quality following their massages.

A more recent study published in 2020 by Arthritis Today showed that a weekly one-hour deep tissue massage session significantly reduced pain and increased mobility among individuals with knee osteoarthritis. The findings suggest that massage therapy can be a valuable addition to traditional treatments for managing the symptoms of arthritis.

While research on the efficacy of massage therapy for treating arthritis is still ongoing, these studies demonstrate its potential as a complementary treatment option. It's always important to consult your doctor before adding new treatments to your regimen. However, if you're looking for additional ways to manage your arthritis symptoms, consider trying massage therapy. Please note that massage is not recommended during a flare-up; it is best to wait until symptoms subside.

Start with a more gentle Swedish massage. If you see the desired results, you may progress to deep tissue massage for more targeted massage treatment.

At Deep Tissue Studio, we offer discounted rates for regular massage; please email admin@deeptissuestudio for further information.

 7 Pembroke Street Upper ,Dublin 2
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