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Is a Deep Tissue Massage What Your Muscles Need?

What is deep tissue massage?

Deep tissue massage is a massage technique that’s used to treat musculoskeletal issues, such as strains & sports injuries. It involves applying sustained pressure using slow, deep strokes to target the inner layers of your muscles and connective tissues. This helps to break up scar tissue that forms following an injury and reduce tension in muscle and tissue.

It may also promote faster healing by increasing blood flow and reducing inflammation.

Deep tissue massage offers physical and psychological benefits. Deep tissue massage helps to treat muscle pain and improve stiffness.

deep tissue massage helps with:

  • sports injuries

  • fibromyalgia

  • plantar fasciitis

  • high blood pressure

  • sciatica

  • tennis elbow

How does it compare to Swedish massage?

Deep tissue massage and Swedish massage are two different types of massage therapy. Both use some of the same strokes, but they have different uses and vary greatly when it comes to the amount of pressure used.

Here are the key differences between deep tissue massage and Swedish massage:

Deep tissue massage is primarily used to treat chronic pain and muscle and sports-related injuries. Swedish massage is mainly used to promote relaxation and reduce muscle tension caused by everyday activities, such as sitting at a computer.

Pressure. Swedish massage is a gentle form of massage that uses far less tension than deep tissue massage. Both types involve use of the palms and fingers to knead and manipulate your tissues, but the elbows and forearms may also be used to apply increased pressure during a deep tissue massage.

Area of focus. Deep tissue massage targets the inner layers of your muscles. It’s used to treat muscle and tendon injuries, pain, and stiffness in your major muscle groups and joints. Swedish massage targets the superficial layers of muscle and focuses on the parts of your body that tend to hold the most tension, such as your neck, shoulders, and back

 7 Pembroke Street Upper ,Dublin 2
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